2022 Etsy Design Awards: We're a finalist!

We’ve been selected as a Finalist for the 2022 Etsy Design Awards!🏆 We are so honoured to have our Diana Ring in Black Onyx celebrated.
We’re in the running for the People’s Pick Etsy Design Award! This award is based on the public’s vote, so if we could have yours we would be incredibly grateful.
Follow the two steps below.
STEP #1:
Follow this link: https://www.etsy.com/featured/etsydesignawards
Scroll down the page to the Jewelry section and find our Diana Ring.
STEP #2:
Click on the Diana Ring listing. Then click the "heart" icon on the side. This counts as a vote, and that's it!
A note from Leah:
I first started my business on Etsy in 2013. A friend convinced me to put a few listings up and now, almost a decade later, here we are...
Etsy is a great space to help small businesses and designers get started. I owe a lot to this platform, and to now be celebrated on it truly feels surreal.
Thank-you so much to everyone who has shared this journey with me, and a huge thank-you to Etsy for championing independent designers.
It’s been quite a ride, and it still feels like it’s just beginning.