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3 Tips to Stack Your Bracelets Effortlessly

3 Tips to Stack Your Bracelets Effortlessly

Stacking and layering can be intimidating, but sometimes keeping it simple is the best approach. Here are a few tips to help you stack your bracelets like a stylist.


Your jewellery should be the last thing you put on when dressing. This is important for proper jewellery care to ensure lotions and perfumes aren't sprayed onto your jewels, but it's also important that your jewellery highlights your outfit, instead of overpowering it.

Think of your clothes as a canvas, and your jewellery pieces are the colours that add detail and tell the story. Choosing complimentary gemstone colours or sticking to metal tones to create a neutral palate, shows that you put care and thought into your presentation.

Bonus tip: If you're new to layering, keep your selection monochromatic and focus more on texture.

More on that here:

Texture is the most underestimated element! Just like colour, texture can be used to add contrast. This trick is especially impactful when you're wearing a monochromatic jewellery stack. Texture helps the eye break up the layers and add interest.

Think of a stack of bangles made of up smooth metals, hammered or faceted metals, rounded or squared edges, etc. Texture is the #1 way to add depth to your bracelet stack.

Bonus tip: Pair bangles with chain bracelets. This not only adds texture to your stack, but varying movement as well.

If you have a favourite style or you want an elegant look, doubling up on a classic design is very effective. This is our favourite tip for busy women who just want something chic to pair with their "capsule wardrobe" style. Wearing two stacking bangles is a great way to look refined and classic.

Just two of the same gold bangles adds movement and whimsy to your wrist, while still looking intentional.

Choose your favourite metal tone and just double it!

Final Thoughts:
Remember these are only guidelines. Jewellery should be fun and playful! It has always been the accessory that reminds me the most of playing dress-up-- and sometimes rules are made to be broken!

-Leah xo

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