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The Instagram post that sparked a conversation.

We got people talking on Instagram after publicly admitting we had considered closing LYD this year (don't worry we're not going anywhere!) As we head into the final stretch of this challenging year, we decided to share this post as a reminder: we are all in this together.

Caption copied from Instagram:


That’s the number of times I considered quitting this year. Quite seriously considered it. 

It’s. Been. Rough.

Social media is where we post our wins. It’s a place to celebrate. But this can lead us down a dark road if we only see everyone’s best on display.

So here I am to sprinkle in some reality😉

We had some huge wins this year. And against all odds, LYD grew. We’re so proud, and grateful to everyone who has supported our little business❤️ And because of this, we have even bigger plans for LYD in 2022:)

BUT we also had some major losses:

  • We had a complete product line that had been in progress for over a year, fail. With prototypes, samples, photography, packaging, and production already started: This amounted to a $10,000 loss.


  • We had a client slander our business. This didn’t necessarily hurt us financially, but after a challenging year, it was wildly painful💔 Nothing hurts like having your integrity questioned.


  • We were rejected. A lot. A lot, a lot. A lot a lot a lot. Sometimes collaborations don’t work out. Sometimes people don’t value what you’re offering. There was a lot of “no’s” but we chose to post about (and focus on) the “yes’s”.


  • Then the logistical setbacks… We faced challenges when sourcing materials, stock being held at borders, packages lost, damaged, and delayed. We missed deadlines, lost opportunities, and had to pay for mistakes that were out of our control. (I can feel all the small business owners raising their hands for this one!)

We’ve ALL had a hard year. Small businesses, new parents, students, teachers, those who lost jobs, changed jobs, married, divorced, etc.

It’s. Been. Rough.

Keep going. Keep posting your wins so we can celebrate. And circle back here anytime you need a reality check.

Sending you all my love and encouragement❤️
-Leah, xo

Take a look at our BIGGEST wins of 2021 here:


 Thanks to you.

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