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Meet Tayler: Owner behind Midnight Paloma

Meet Tayler: Owner behind Midnight Paloma

I "virtually" sat down with 3 women behind a few of our favourite Canadian Brands. I wanted to know how COVID-19 has affected their businesses, how they are pivoting, and if there are any silver-linings during this pandemic. The last few months have been challenging for the entire world, and it is so important that we continue to connect with one another.

Our first conversation was with Tayler Rogers, founder of Midnight Paloma (my favourite Vancouver Skin Care line-- their Face Oil is an essential part of my personal nighttime routine!)


What inspired you to start your own business?

"When I started Midnight Paloma I was still running another business, a local store called BeautyMark. We specialized in indie beauty brands, so it was something I was always very interested in. It seemed like a natural progression and I've always been really interested in branding, product development and marketing. I honestly started the line to sell in our shop, I never thought it would go much farther than that."

What do you wish you knew before you had started?

"Oh so much. But if you didn't make mistakes you would never learn. I would probably say that patience is something that I've really learned to embrace. In so many ways. It really takes time to develop things, grow a business and learn as a business owner. Nothing will happen overnight, no matter how hard you work. But if you put the time in, it will pay off." 

What's one thing people would be surprised to learn about you?

"I'm a huge sports fan! It's something that my father and I have shared together, especially baseball and basketball. I love going to live sporting events and follow a lot of teams pretty closely."

What has been the biggest challenge you've had to face during the COVID-19 pandemic and what (if any) has been the "silver-lining"?

"The biggest challenge with Covid has definitely been the slow of our wholesale growth. As a team we had a lot planned out in terms of trade shows and markets this year which have all obviously been put on hold. We had an amazing start to the year and it's all kind of been put on hold which was tough. But the silver lining is I've really connected with our online community and grown that aspect of the business. There is always a silver lining to these situations, you just have to reflect on that. We've also been pretty lucky in Canada, BC specifically." 

What's the first thing you plan to do once this pandemic is over and we finally have a "new normal"?

"Hug everyone!" 

What's your #1 skin care tip?

"Taking the time to really take care of your skin is something I think is so important. Invest in 2-3 products that you are actually going to use and make you feel good. You will thank yourself later."

I love that tip! What is the best place for people to connect with you further online?

"People can connect with me via our Instagram @midnightpaloma or directly"


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